Teeth Bonding: How Is It Done and When Is It Used?

February 1, 2018

As far as dental procedures go, teeth bonding is one of the most non-invasive experiences that a patient can have at the dentist’s office. In fact, anesthesia is never used when applying composite resin to a tooth except when the bonding material is used to fill cavities.

Dental bonding is the application of a tooth-colored, putty-like resin onto a tooth that has been slightly damaged by decay, staining or chipping. It is also used to close slight gaps between teeth.

When is teeth bonding done?

Teeth bonding is used to correct minor imperfections on a person’s teeth. If the imperfection or damage is extensive, other dental restoration methods can be used to repair the teeth. Dental bonding is often to address:

  • Slight tooth damage caused by cavities and tooth decay
  • Slightly broken or cracked teeth
  • Stained teeth
  • Small gaps between teeth
  • Misshapen teeth that need reshaping
  • Bonding is used to protect parts of the tooth that are exposed due to a recession of the gum

The process of teeth bonding

1. Usually, the first step of a dental procedure is the dentist administering an anesthetic. For dental bonding, anesthetics are only used when the resin is to repair a cavity or a damaged tooth whose nerves are exposed.

2. The dentist begins by choosing a color of resin that most closely matches the patient’s teeth.

3. The tooth’s surface is then made rough so the bonding can better adhere to the tooth.

4. Next, a conditioning liquid is applied to the tooth’s surface. The liquid serves to bond the dental resin to the tooth.

5. The dentist then applies the resin to the affected area of the tooth. They shape and mold the resin.

6. Using UV light, the dentist hardens the resin and polishes the now hardened composite to make it smooth.

7. Finally, the dentist applies finishing touches to the bonding by removing any sharp edges.

The entire process takes about half an hour, and the patient leaves the dentist office with a new smile.

Benefits and drawbacks of teeth bonding

1. Dental bonding is a simple procedure that takes little time and money. For minor tooth repairs, teeth bonding is a convenient option. It only takes a single dentist appointment to get the treatment.

2. Compared to other methods of tooth restoration, dental bonding is minimally invasive. It only requires slight abrasion of the enamel. In contrast, veneers and dental crowns require a layer of enamel to be filed away so the restoration can adhere to the tooth.

3. One disadvantage of dental bonding is that it is less durable, less stain resistant and less strong compared to other dental restoration methods. That said, dental bonding can last for about 10 years when taken care of.

How to take care of dental bonding

For the first 48 hours, you should avoid staining the composite by avoiding tobacco, coffee and other substances that cause discoloration. Afterward, you take care of the newly restored teeth just like you take care of your natural teeth: by practicing good oral habits.

If you have a minor fault in your teeth and want a fast painless solution, consider dental bonding. Visit one of our dentists to find out if dental bonding is a good solution for you.

Let’s get started …

Are you considering teeth bonding in the Frisco area? Get more information athttps://archwaydentalfrisco.com.