4 Examples of Common Emergency Dental Visits

October 1, 2018

Are you looking for a little more information on what would require an emergency dental visit? Since we never know when a dental emergency is going to arise, it is always a good idea to understand what to do if you or someone in your presence happens to have a dental emergency. The general definition of a dental emergency is having an issue that requires emergency dental services. This also means that there are some dental occurrences that will seem like an emergency, but they can actually wait to be seen by a professional dentist by making an appointment to be seen in a day or two.

According to the American Dental Association, accidents happen and knowing what to do when one occurs can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth.

Examples of common emergency dental visits

The following are four examples of some of the more common reasons why someone would actually be in need of an emergency dentist as soon as possible versus waiting to be seen at a regular dental appointment.

Severe pain

When someone is experiencing severe pain after having some form of trauma happen to their teeth or gums, the services of an emergency dentist are definitely required as soon as possible.

Severe bleeding

When someone is experiencing severe bleeding in their mouth, it warrants an emergency trip to the dental office.

A completely knocked out tooth

When someone has completely knocked out one or more of their teeth, it is still possible for an emergency dentist to save these teeth, making a trip to the dental office as soon as absolutely possible necessary.

An infection or abscess in the mouth

A serious mouth infection or an abscess in the mouth can potentially be life threatening, making a trip to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible necessary in order for them to treat the infection.

Dental emergencies that can wait

Examples of dental emergencies that can often wait to be seen by a regular dentist include: A small chip in a tooth, a small crack in a tooth, a lost or loose filling, a loose crown, a lost crown and a mild toothache.

Any more questions about emergency dental visits?

If you are currently experiencing pain or any of the above dental scenarios, time is of the essence when it comes to getting the emergency dental help you need.

Please do not hesitate to contact us as the more you understand about taking care of your good dental health, the better. We have a fantastic team of dental professionals who are always available for patients and since we are currently accepting new patients, we would love to add you to our list. You can call us to schedule your first initial appointment or if you prefer you can simply stop by so you can meet every one before making your first appointment with us.

Request an appointment here: https://archwaydentalfrisco.com or call Archway Dental at (972) 972-4646 for an appointment in our Frisco office.