Summer is here, and mother nature has the heat on full blast! If you’re doing anything other than hunkering down in an ice bath this month, you’re at risk of dehydration. Unfortunately, not having the water your body needs can take a toll on everything from your oral health to just how you feel in general. Keep reading to learn the top four signs you’re dehydrated, and how to avoid the risk.
#1: You’re Unusually Tired
Did you know that liquids keep your body hydrated and your energy levels up? That’s because when your body is experiencing dehydration, it diverts water away from your skin – which makes it more difficult to keep cool. Increasing temperature makes you warm, which makes you feel fatigued when you otherwise wouldn’t be.
#2: You’re Hungry
Ever just yearned for something sweet or salty even though you really shouldn’t be hungry? There are a number of things that could cause you to crave certain items, from hormones to certain vitamin deficiencies, but another key cause of cravings is actually dehydration. The next time you feel oddly hungry for a particular item, try drinking a tall glass of water instead. Give it 15 minutes and see if the craving went away.
#3: You Have a Headache
Not getting the proper hydration is a key cause of headaches and migraines. And unfortunately, it can be difficult for some sufferers to get rid of the discomfort even after they hydrate. The best method of action for preventing headaches caused by dehydration is to keep them from starting in the first place by hydrating well throughout the day.
#4: Your Breath Smells
Perhaps the least pleasant side effect of dehydration has to do with your oral health. Your body needs plenty of water to keep saliva flowing – and this liquid is the key ingredient to naturally washing away bacteria that accumulates in the mouth. When it is allowed to accumulate, bad breath is close behind. Unfortunately, your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease also rises with the increased bacteria.
The best way to stay healthy during the summer is by staying hydrated. Try these tips for keeping your water levels up:
- Keep a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day as a reminder to sip H2O
- Hydrate the day before if you know you are going to be spending extra time outside for a special event
- Swap out salty snacks like chips and nuts for hydrating fruits and vegetables
Follow these steps to keep your hydration levels up for better oral and overall health during June, July, and August!
Meet the Dentist
Dr. Deval Parmar has over 13 years of experience in dentistry and continues to provide top-notch care for patients of Archway Dental. She is passionate about the field because she feels it is the perfect blend of her two loves – art and science. To learn more about Dr. Parmar or to book a visit at Archway Dental, give your dentist in Frisco a call at (972) 972-4646.