Archway Dental Blog

3 Cosmetic Dental Treatments to Enjoy this Summer

May 9, 2022

women laughing during summer in Frisco

Summer is a great season to hang out with friends and family, visit the beach, or just kick back and relax! It also allows plenty of time for making significant changes, such as enhancing your pearly whites. Not only will this improve your dental well-being, but you’ll also enjoy the benefits of having your dream smile. Fortunately, your dentist in McKinney has three cosmetic dental treatments that can help you achieve this during summertime.


What You Should Know for Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April 20, 2022

woman smiling for oral cancer awareness month

Now that it’s April, it’s time for some oral cancer awareness. Even if you brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis, you can still benefit by knowing the tell-tale signs of this serious condition. Once you understand them, you might consider preventive dental care as more crucial than simply cleaning your teeth. Keep reading from your dentist in McKinney about the symptoms, risk factors, and ways you can prevent oral cancer.


Why Invest in My Smile with My Tax Refund?

April 8, 2022

woman smiling and giving thumbs up

Everyone gets excited to receive their tax refund for the year. With the extra cash, it can be tempting to spend it on things like new clothes or the latest entertainment systems. However, keeping yourself healthy is essential for a quality life, especially when it comes to your smile. Listen to your dentist in Frisco as they explain why investing your tax refund in your dental health is a great move!


Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Hesitate to Go to the Dentist

March 9, 2022

For most patients, it’s recommended that you see your dentist every six months for a regular cleaning and checkup. During this time, your hygienist can clean away all that plaque and tartar that got left behind, and your dentist can check your smile for oral health issues, like tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer. However, many Americans don’t see a dentist as often as they should. Here are some of the most common reasons and why you shouldn’t let them get in the way of your oral health.


5 Tips to Freshen Your Smile for Spring Cleaning

March 4, 2022

Woman smiling in sun

Springtime has commenced, so it is the perfect time of year to get started throwing out and organized the clutter that’s accumulated over the past 12 months. As you are cleaning up around your home, you may as well take the time to freshen up your smile while you’re at it. The weather is getting warmer, and you don’t want to be spending your summer dealing with dental issues. Here are a handful of tips to benefit your smile.
