Archway Dental Blog

Can Gum Disease Increase My Risk of Heart Disease?

February 10, 2022

person holding a red love heart in their hands

February might be most well-known for Valentine’s Day, but did you know that it’s also American Heart Month? Now is a great time to learn how you can keep your heart healthy! You’ve probably already heard about the importance of eating nutritious foods and getting plenty of sleep and exercise. But your oral health also influences your heart. Specifically, gum disease has been linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular problems. Read on to learn more about this connection and what you can do to keep your smile (and your heart) in great shape!


Can Dental Implants in McKinney Make Me Look Younger?

January 24, 2022

active mature woman

From eating healthy to plastic surgery, there are so many paths you can take to look younger. When you have one or more missing teeth, you are considering what will help you look good once again, but you also want to select an option with a high degree of functionality. Keep reading to learn from your dentist how dental implants in McKinney can turn back the clock for you.


What Diet Trends Can Be Harmful to My Oral Health According to My Dentist in Frisco?

January 4, 2022

woman eating grapefruit

Have you set health goals and tried to figure out how you are going to achieve them? Diet trends are the method of choice for many people. When executed properly, they can be helpful, but they also pose a risk to your oral health. If you are just trying to lose weight or want to be healthier in general, fad diets may not be the best course of action. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Frisco about some diet trends you should be especially careful of attempting regarding the health of your teeth and gums.


5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Smile

December 14, 2021

person smiling and holding 2022 New Year’s balloons

When you look at your smile, do you like what you see? If not, New Year’s resolutions are the perfect ways to set goals to take better care of your grin over the next 365 days. From improving the look of your pearly whites to just maintaining better oral health overall, the possibilities are endless. Read on for five ideas on how to gain a healthy smile in the new year.


5 Holiday Foods and Drinks That Can Harm Teeth

November 17, 2021

holiday foods in McKinney that can harm teeth

With the holiday season approaching quickly, this means an onslaught of sweet, starchy, and high-carb foods will soon be coming your way. Though your teeth may not be your main focus this holiday season, consuming the wrong foods and drinks can do a lot of lasting damage to your oral health. Read on to learn about five holiday foods and drinks that can damage your teeth and some tasty, tooth-healthy treats you should have instead.
