Archway Dental Blog

Straighten Your Teeth With Clear Aligners

March 1, 2018

We can straighten your teeth using clear aligners and use them to dramatically improve your smile. Instead of using traditional metal braces where we bond metal brackets to the teeth and thread wires between them, we use clear aligners to straighten teeth.

This process is just as effective but you will not have the inconveniences associated with metal braces nor will your appearance be impacted by them. The treatment times can be roughly the same, so it comes down to a level of convenience and what you want to look like while straightening your teeth.


Teeth Bonding: How Is It Done and When Is It Used?

February 1, 2018

As far as dental procedures go, teeth bonding is one of the most non-invasive experiences that a patient can have at the dentist’s office. In fact, anesthesia is never used when applying composite resin to a tooth except when the bonding material is used to fill cavities.

Dental bonding is the application of a tooth-colored, putty-like resin onto a tooth that has been slightly damaged by decay, staining or chipping. It is also used to close slight gaps between teeth.


TMJ Symptoms: How Your Dentist Diagnoses and Treats the Disorder

January 1, 2018

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. It is a hinge-like joint that connects the lower jaw and the temporal bone found in front of the ear. The joint effectively connects the lower jaw and the skull. We have two temporomandibular joints, one on each side of the jaw.

The TMJs are the joints that make it possible for us to move, open and close our mouths; allowing us to yawn, talk and chew. For many people, TMJ pain is ‘one of those things you live with.’ If you are one of them, then read on to find out how TMJ is diagnosed and treated.


Typical General Dentistry Services and How They Can Help Your Oral Health

December 1, 2017

People who say they are “going to the dentist,” typically mean their bi-annual exam and cleaning. However, many services are offered at dental offices. These procedures can range in what they accomplish, including helping whiten or strengthen teeth, along with fixing cavities and helping to avoid tooth loss.

General dentistry services help in keeping patients’ teeth and mouths in the best shape possible and avoid any issues that could lead to gum disease, tooth loss and cavities. These are vital for keeping teeth in their best shape possible, as well as maintaining a beautiful, bright white smile.

We will look at common general dentistry services and how they can benefit your oral and general health.


Where to Go for Emergency Dental Care in McKinney

November 1, 2017

Emergency Dental Care can be needed at any time and people often panic when they realize that there an emergency is occurring. Knowing what to do and where to go for a dental emergency can be frightening and hard to think about in the moment. Being aware of how to handle a dental emergency and where one should go beforehand can help someone when the emergency does occur.
