Archway Dental Blog

Cosmetic Cures: 3 Graduation Gift Ideas

May 3, 2024

Woman in graduation cap and gown hugging an older woman with gray hair

May has arrived, which for many people means switching to their warm-weather wardrobe and making plans for the summer. If you have a high school or college senior at home, you’re probably also gearing up for their commencement ceremony. Many parents struggle with appropriate gift ideas for their high achievers, so why not consider helping them enhance their smile?

Thankfully, your dentist has several cosmetic services that can boost their confidence, potentially increasing their chances of success during upcoming college admissions or job interviews. Plus, they’ll feel like they can freely smile for the camera to capture the many memories they’ll make this season with family and friends.

Keep reading to learn 3 treatments that can give your child a happy, healthy smile as they start the next stage of their lives!


It’s Oral Cancer Awareness Month: Here’s What You Should Know About This Dangerous Condition

April 12, 2024

Dentist smiles

Oral cancer is a dangerous condition that often goes far too long without being diagnosed. Luckily, your dentist is trained to screen patients for the early signs of oral cancer so that it can be caught and treated before it leads to dangerous consequences. This is just one of the many reasons why it is so important to see your dentist at least twice a year for routine exams and cleanings. In the spirit of Oral Cancer Awareness Month, here are a few facts about this illness to emphasize the importance of early detection.


What Should I Know About Dental Implants?

March 13, 2024

Model of implant bridge

Dental implants are an increasingly popular way to replace lost teeth. It’s no wonder that so many people are interested in them since they look and work like the real thing. Despite the many patients now walking around with implant-supported crowns, bridges, or dentures in their smiles, there’s a lot of misinformation about them floating around. Here’s a short list of facts about dental implants to help you know if these restorations may be right for you.


What Should I Ask When Considering a Smile Makeover?

February 13, 2024

Woman smiles

Have you been yearning for a prettier smile? Luckily, there are a variety of cosmetic dental treatments that can transform troubled teeth into gorgeous grins. While this probably sounds like a great idea, getting a smile makeover is not a decision to be made lightly. It’s crucial to be educated about the process so you can make an informed decision. Here are a few excellent questions to ask your dentist when you have your smile makeover consultation.


How Can Vaping Affect My Dental Health?

January 19, 2024

Woman has dental pain

While you may be aware of the health risks of tobacco use, you may not be aware of the threats posed by certain smoking alternatives. Smoking is associated with bad breath, gum disease, dental discoloration, oral cancer, and other oral health problems, and many people believe vapes or electronic cigarettes to be a safer option. Unfortunately, these devices are not the healthy alternatives they were marketed to be. Here are some tips from your dentist about what kinds of damage vapes and e-cigs can do to your teeth and oral tissues.
