Archway Dental Blog

5 Common Teeth-Cleaning Mistakes You Should Absolutely Avoid

August 26, 2022

Woman brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

A healthy smile is a happy smile! Your oral health matters and having a white and bright smile will absolutely work wonders for your self-confidence. And there’s no better way to ensure optimal oral health than by cleaning your teeth on a regular basis. But when it comes to practicing oral hygiene, there are some crucial mistakes that you should be careful not to make. Here’s more from your dentist in Frisco about five common mistakes that people often make when caring for their pearly whites.  


Why Your Child’s Oral Health Is Important During Back-to-School Season

August 24, 2022

Young girl smiling while sitting in classroom

And just like that… back-to-school season is here again! Between dusting off your child’s backpack, purchasing new school supplies, and starting a new routine again, you may forget what the endless list of to-dos is for: setting your child up for a successful school year. With this in mind, now is the perfect time to schedule their biannual checkup. After all, study after study has pointed to the link between academic success and oral health. To learn more about how the two are connected, as well as how to help keep your child’s teeth decay-free this semester, read on.


3 Summer Foods to Enjoy with Dental Implants

July 14, 2022

Elderly couple eating corn with dental implants

One of the great hallmarks of summer is its food. Whether at BBQs, cookouts, or picnics, many people indulge in summery treats they don’t get to have during other seasons. However, you may not get to experience these items if you have missing teeth. After all, many summer foods are tough and require thorough chewing. That said, there’s a way to change this: get dental implants! With such replacement teeth, you’d have the chance to enjoy your seasonal favorites again. To learn more, here’s a summary of how implants work and three summer foods they’d let you eat.


4 Signs You’re Dehydrated And Don’t Even Know It

June 26, 2022

woman drinking green juice looking off to side

Summer is here, and mother nature has the heat on full blast! If you’re doing anything other than hunkering down in an ice bath this month, you’re at risk of dehydration. Unfortunately, not having the water your body needs can take a toll on everything from your oral health to just how you feel in general. Keep reading to learn the top four signs you’re dehydrated, and how to avoid the risk. 


3 Lesser-Known Cavity-Causing Foods

May 23, 2022

saltine crackers in a bowl in Frisco

Most people have been told that eating sugary snacks and treats—such as cookies, cakes, and candies—too frequently can cause cavities. Although you may regularly practice preventive dental care like brushing and flossing, you can also try moderating or avoiding these meals altogether. But are there other snacks you might not expect to damage your pearly whites? Keep reading from your dentist in McKinney about three other foods that can increase your risk of cavities.
